Understanding What is an EE Pencil: Your Comprehensive Guide

Are you curious about what an EE pencil is and what it can do? In this comprehensive guide, I will provide you with all the information you need to understand this unique artist’s tool.

Key Takeaways

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  • An EE pencil is a type of pencil made using a mix of graphite and charcoal.
  • Introduced by Staedtler in the 1970s, EE pencils are now rarer to find as they are not commonly produced by other companies.
  • EE pencils are not included in the standard pencil grading system, but they would likely be closer to a 7B or 8B grade.
  • These pencils produce a deep matte black color, making them excellent for shading and tonal modeling in artwork.
  • EE pencils can be purchased online, although they may be harder to find compared to other pencil grades.
  • The composition of an EE pencil is an equal mixture of graphite and charcoal, with the graphite providing a smooth line and the charcoal creating a matte finish.

The Origins and Characteristics of EE Pencils

To truly understand the EE pencil, it’s important to explore its origins and how it sets itself apart from standard pencils. An EE pencil is a unique type of pencil that is made using a mix of graphite and charcoal. While its origins can be traced back to Staedtler in the 1970s, it is now rarer to find as it is not commonly produced by other companies. However, its distinct qualities make it a sought-after tool for artists.

Unlike standard pencils, the EE pencil is not included in the traditional pencil grading system. If it were, it would likely be closer to a 7B or 8B grade due to its dark and rich black lead. What makes the EE pencil stand out is its ability to produce a deep matte black color, making it perfect for shading and tonal modeling in artwork.

When using an EE pencil, artists can achieve a smooth line thanks to the graphite component, while the charcoal within the pencil creates a matte finish, adding depth and dimension to artwork. This unique blend of graphite and charcoal gives EE pencils their distinctive properties and makes them a preferred choice for artists seeking intense black shades.

The Difference Between EE Pencil and Standard Pencil

The primary difference between an EE pencil and a standard pencil lies in their composition and the resulting effects on artwork. While standard pencils are typically made with graphite alone, EE pencils incorporate a mixture of graphite and charcoal. This combination allows the EE pencil to produce a deeper matte black shade compared to standard pencils.

Furthermore, the darkness of an EE pencil’s lead places it outside the traditional pencil grading system. Standard pencils are graded based on their hardness or softness, with HB being the middle ground. However, the EE pencil’s lead is significantly softer and darker, giving artists the ability to create bold and dramatic effects in their work.

Given the unique qualities of the EE pencil, it’s no wonder that it has become a favorite tool among artists who strive for depth and richness in their drawings and sketches. While EE pencils may be harder to find compared to other pencil grades, they can still be purchased online to fuel your artistic endeavors.

Understanding the Uses and Advantages of EE Pencils

EE pencils serve a specific purpose in the art world, offering unique advantages and applications that make them stand out from traditional pencil grades. These special pencils are made using a combination of graphite and charcoal, resulting in a distinct composition that sets them apart. The mix of graphite and charcoal in EE pencils creates a deep matte black color, making them ideal for shading and tonal modeling in artwork.

One of the key advantages of using EE pencils is their ability to produce rich, dark tones. Artists appreciate the intense black hue that these pencils offer, allowing for enhanced depth and contrast in their drawings. The smooth line provided by the graphite component ensures precise and controlled application, while the charcoal contributes to a matte finish that adds texture and visual interest to the artwork.

Artists who seek to create dramatic and expressive pieces often turn to EE pencils for their unique properties. The deep blacks produced by these pencils allow for bold and dynamic compositions, capturing the attention of viewers and adding a sense of depth and realism to the artwork. Whether it’s creating realistic shadows, blending, or achieving nuanced gradations, EE pencils provide artists with the tools they need to bring their vision to life.

Advantages of EE Pencils
Ability to produce deep matte black shades
Enhanced depth and contrast in artwork
Smooth line for precise and controlled application
Matte finish for added texture and visual interest

While EE pencils may be less commonly found compared to other pencil grades, they can still be obtained online. Artists seeking to experiment with this unique pencil can explore various brands that offer EE pencils, although they may need to invest some time in finding the best options available. The rarity of these pencils only adds to their allure, attracting artists who strive for innovation and seek new ways to push the boundaries of their artistic expression.

How to Use an EE Pencil: A Step-by-Step Guide

Now that you have an EE pencil in hand, let’s explore the techniques and methods for using it to create stunning artwork. The unique blend of graphite and charcoal in an EE pencil offers a range of possibilities for shading and tonal modeling.

Step 1: Prepare Your Art Surface

Before you start using your EE pencil, make sure your art surface is clean and smooth. This will ensure that the pencil glides smoothly and allows for precise control. You can use an eraser to remove any unwanted marks or smudges from the surface.

Step 2: Experiment with Pressure and Angles

EE pencils are known for their ability to create deep matte black shades. To achieve different levels of darkness, experiment with varying levels of pressure on the pencil. Applying more pressure will result in a darker shade, while less pressure will create a lighter effect.

Additionally, try different angles when holding the pencil. Tilting the pencil at a steeper angle will allow for broader strokes, while holding it upright will give you finer lines and more control.

Step 3: Blending and Smudging

One of the advantages of using an EE pencil is its compatibility with blending and smudging techniques. You can use your finger, a blending stump, or a soft brush to blend and smudge the graphite and charcoal, creating smooth transitions and subtle gradients.

Experiment with different blending tools and techniques to find the desired effect for your artwork. Remember to work gently and gradually to avoid smudging too much or losing the desired details.

Step 4: Layering and Building Depth

EE pencils are also great for layering and building depth in your artwork. By applying multiple layers of shading, you can create richer tones and enhance the three-dimensionality of your drawings.

Start with light shading and gradually build up the darkness by adding more layers. This technique can bring your artwork to life and make it more visually captivating.

Remember to practice and experiment with your EE pencil to truly understand its unique qualities and unlock its full potential. Let your creativity flow and enjoy the process of creating beautiful artwork with your EE pencil.

Step Description
1 Prepare Your Art Surface
2 Experiment with Pressure and Angles
3 Blending and Smudging
4 Layering and Building Depth

Popular Brands and Buying Guide for EE Pencils

If you’re interested in purchasing an EE pencil, this section will guide you through popular brands and provide tips on making the right choice for your artistic needs. While EE pencils are not as widely available as other pencil grades, there are still a few brands that specialize in producing high-quality EE pencils.

One popular brand known for its EE pencils is Staedtler, the company that originally introduced this unique pencil grade. Staedtler EE pencils are highly regarded for their smooth line and deep matte black color. They are especially suitable for shading and tonal modeling, allowing artists to achieve rich and dramatic effects in their artwork.

Another brand to consider is Koh-I-Noor, a well-known name in the art supply industry. Koh-I-Noor offers a range of graphite pencils, including an EE grade that is highly favored by artists. These pencils are known for their durability and consistent performance, making them a reliable choice for artists who value quality.

When choosing an EE pencil, it’s important to consider your personal preferences and artistic style. Some artists may prefer a softer EE pencil, similar to a 7B or 8B grade, while others may prefer a slightly harder one. Experimenting with different brands and grades will help you find the perfect balance between smoothness, darkness, and control.

Brand Description Pencil Grade
Staedtler Renowned for smooth line and deep matte black color EE
Koh-I-Noor Durable and consistent performance EE
Other brands Various options available EE

When purchasing an EE pencil, it’s advisable to buy from reputable art supply stores or online retailers specializing in artist materials. This ensures that you are getting genuine products and access to a wide range of options. Consider reading reviews and seeking recommendations from fellow artists to narrow down your choices and find the best EE pencil for your needs.

Exploring the Unique Blend of Graphite and Charcoal in EE Pencils

The secret behind the rich black tones produced by EE pencils lies in their composition – a blend of graphite and charcoal that creates a striking artistic tool. This unique combination allows artists to achieve deep, matte black shades that can add depth and dimension to their artwork.

Unlike traditional graphite pencils, EE pencils incorporate charcoal into their core. Charcoal, known for its dark and smudgy nature, adds a velvety texture and enhances the intensity of the black pigment. The graphite, on the other hand, provides a smooth and precise line, making it easier for artists to achieve fine details and control over their drawings.

Artists who prefer working with darker shades or exploring the contrast of light and shadow can benefit greatly from using EE pencils. They offer a wide range of tonal values, from subtle grays to deep blacks, making them ideal for creating dramatic effects and realistic shading. With an EE pencil, artists can easily blend and layer the rich black pigment to create smooth transitions and achieve the desired visual impact in their artwork.

While EE pencils may not be as widely available as other pencil grades, they can still be found online or in specialized art stores. Artists looking to experiment with this unique combination of graphite and charcoal can explore brands like Staedtler, which introduced the EE pencil to the market in the 1970s. It’s important to note that due to its rarity, the EE pencil is not commonly included in the standard pencil grading system. However, if it were, it would likely fall within the 7B or 8B range, indicating its softness and ability to produce rich, dark tones.

Advantages of EE Pencils Uses of EE Pencils
  • Produces deep, matte black shades
  • Allows for smooth blending and layering
  • Ideal for shading and tonal modeling
  • Enhances contrast and highlights
  • Creating dramatic effects
  • Adding depth and dimension to artwork
  • Exploring the contrast of light and shadow
  • Achieving realistic shading


In conclusion, understanding what an EE pencil is and how it can be used opens up new creative possibilities for artists seeking a deeper range of shades and textures in their artwork. An EE pencil is a unique type of pencil that is made using a mix of graphite and charcoal. While it was introduced by Staedtler in the 1970s, it is now rarer to find as it is not commonly produced by other companies.

Although not included in the standard pencil grading system, if it were, the EE pencil would likely be closer to a 7B or 8B grade. This makes it ideal for artists who want to achieve a deep matte black color in their work. Additionally, the composition of equal parts graphite and charcoal in an EE pencil allows for a smooth line from the graphite and a matte finish from the charcoal, creating a unique look.

When using an EE pencil, artists can explore various techniques for shading and tonal modeling, enhancing the overall depth and dimension of their artwork. While EE pencils may be harder to find compared to other pencil grades, they can be purchased online, providing artists with access to this specialized tool.

Overall, incorporating an EE pencil into an artist’s repertoire can lead to the creation of more dynamic and visually striking pieces. The ability to produce deep matte black shades and the unique blend of graphite and charcoal make the EE pencil a valuable asset for artists seeking to push the boundaries of their creativity.

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