Learn How to Revive Sharpies with Common Household Supplies

Have you ever wondered how to revive your dried-out Sharpie markers? Look no further – with some common household supplies, you can bring your markers back to life and ensure they are ready to use whenever you need them.

Key Takeaways:

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  • Revive dried-out Sharpie markers using rubbing alcohol or water.
  • Dip the dried-out tip of the Sharpie in rubbing alcohol for 15 minutes to restore ink flow.
  • Soak the tip of the marker in rubbing alcohol or pour it into the marker to rewet the ink.
  • For water-based markers, dip the nib in water or add water to the marker to revive it.
  • Store markers with the cap on and the tip down to keep them wet and ready for use.

Reviving Sharpies with Rubbing Alcohol

Rubbing alcohol can be an effective solution for reviving dried-out Sharpie markers. By following these simple steps, you can breathe new life into your markers and continue using them without having to purchase new ones.

To start, gather your dried-out Sharpie marker and a small cap or dish filled with rubbing alcohol. Dip the dried-out tip of the marker into the cap, making sure the entire tip is submerged in the alcohol. Leave it in there for about 15 minutes, allowing the alcohol to work its magic.

Add a quote or a long direct speech here, emphasizing the effectiveness of using rubbing alcohol to revive markers.

After 15 minutes, carefully remove the marker from the cap and give it a try. You should notice that the ink starts flowing again, allowing you to use the marker as usual. If the ink is still not flowing, repeat the process for a longer duration or try a different method.

Alternative Method: Pouring Rubbing Alcohol into the Marker

If dipping the tip of the marker doesn’t work, another method you can try is pouring a small amount of rubbing alcohol directly into the marker. Carefully remove the tip or nib of the marker, then use a dropper or a small funnel to pour a few drops of rubbing alcohol into the marker’s ink chamber.

Allow the rubbing alcohol to saturate the ink inside the marker for a few minutes. Then, reassemble the marker and give it a test. The alcohol should have loosened up the dried ink, allowing the marker to write smoothly again.

Tips for Using Rubbing Alcohol

  • Use 70% isopropyl rubbing alcohol for best results.
  • Be cautious when handling rubbing alcohol, as it can be flammable.
  • Make sure to use rubbing alcohol in a well-ventilated area.
  • If the marker doesn’t revive after trying these methods, it may be time to replace it.


Reviving dried-out Sharpie markers with rubbing alcohol is a simple and cost-effective solution. By using common household supplies like rubbing alcohol, you can extend the lifespan of your markers and save money in the long run. Remember to properly store your markers with the cap on and the tip down to prevent them from drying out quickly. With these tips and tricks, you can keep your markers in good condition and enjoy long-lasting use.

Reviving Water-Based Markers with Water

Did you know that you can revive water-based markers using a simple household ingredient like water? By following these steps, you can restore the ink flow in your markers and enjoy their vibrant colors once more.

To revive a water-based marker, start by dipping the dried-out nib into a small cup or bowl of water. Allow the nib to soak for a few minutes, giving the water a chance to rehydrate the ink inside. After soaking, remove the marker from the water and gently tap the nib on a piece of paper to encourage the ink to flow.

If the marker still doesn’t work, try adding a few drops of water directly into the marker. Use an eye dropper or a clean pipette to carefully insert the water into the opening of the marker where the nib is attached. This will help rewet the ink and get the marker working again.

Summary of steps to revive water-based markers:

  1. Dip the dried-out nib of the marker into a small cup or bowl of water.
  2. Allow the nib to soak for a few minutes.
  3. Tap the nib gently on a piece of paper to encourage ink flow.
  4. If the marker still doesn’t work, add a few drops of water directly into the marker.

Remember to always store your markers with the cap on and the tip facing down. This will help prevent them from drying out quickly and ensure they are ready for use whenever inspiration strikes.

Household Supplies: Revive Water-Based Markers
Water Rehydrates the ink inside the marker

Rewetting the Ink with Rubbing Alcohol

If you find that your Sharpie markers have dried out, don’t worry – rubbing alcohol can help restore the ink and make them usable again. Follow these steps to revive your markers and enjoy their vibrant colors once more.

First, gather your supplies. You will need a cap or container, rubbing alcohol, and your dried-out Sharpie markers. Make sure the cap or container is large enough to submerge the marker tip completely.

Next, remove the cap from the dried-out marker and dip the tip into the cap filled with rubbing alcohol. Leave it in the alcohol for about 15 minutes to allow the ink to absorb the liquid. This will help rehydrate the dried-out ink and improve the flow.

After 15 minutes, remove the marker from the rubbing alcohol and give it a test. Press the tip onto a piece of paper or other absorbent surface to see if the ink is flowing again. If it’s still not working, repeat the process for a longer duration or try another method.

Remember to always store your markers with the cap on and the tip down to help prevent them from drying out. This simple practice can go a long way in maintaining the longevity of your markers and ensuring they are always ready for use.

Reviving Sharpies – Rubbing Alcohol Method

What You’ll Need Instructions
Cap or container Find a cap or container that is large enough to submerge the marker tip.
Rubbing alcohol Fill the cap or container with rubbing alcohol.
Dried-out Sharpie markers Remove the cap from the dried-out marker and dip the tip into the rubbing alcohol. Leave it for about 15 minutes.
Paper or absorbent surface Test the marker by pressing the tip onto a piece of paper to see if the ink is flowing again.
Proper storage Always store your markers with the cap on and the tip down to prevent them from drying out.

By using rubbing alcohol, you can easily revive your dried-out Sharpie markers and avoid unnecessary waste. Give this method a try and you’ll be amazed at how simple and effective it is in bringing your markers back to life!

Tips for Maintaining Marker Longevity

In addition to reviving dried-out markers, it’s important to take preventative measures to maintain their longevity. By following these tips, you can keep your markers in optimal condition and extend their lifespan.

Proper Storage

When not in use, it’s crucial to store your markers correctly. Always remember to replace the cap securely after each use. This will prevent the ink from drying out quickly. Additionally, store your markers with the tip facing downwards. This allows the ink to flow towards the tip, keeping it wet and ready for use.

Keep Them Away from Heat

Exposure to heat can cause markers to dry out faster. Avoid leaving your markers in direct sunlight or near sources of heat, such as radiators or stoves. Instead, store them in a cool and dry place to maintain their ink flow and overall performance.

Regular Use

Using your markers regularly can help keep the ink flowing smoothly. Even if you don’t have an immediate need for them, try to use your markers at least once a week to prevent them from drying out. This will also ensure that the marker’s internal mechanisms stay functional.

Clean the Tips

Over time, marker tips can accumulate residue, which can impede ink flow. To clean the tips, simply wipe them gently with a damp cloth or paper towel. This will remove any dried ink or debris and keep your markers working effectively.

By following these simple tips, you can ensure your markers last longer and are always ready for use. Taking care of your markers not only saves you money but also reduces waste, making it a sustainable choice.


Reviving Sharpie markers doesn’t have to be a challenge – by using common household supplies, you can easily restore their ink flow and make them work like new again. Try these methods and enjoy the cost-saving and sustainable benefits of reviving your markers.

To revive dried-out Sharpie markers, there are a few simple techniques you can try. If you have rubbing alcohol at home, you can dip the dried-out tip of the Sharpie into a cap filled with rubbing alcohol and leave it for about 15 minutes. This allows the alcohol to penetrate the dried ink and soften it, making the marker usable again. Another method is to soak the tip of the marker directly in rubbing alcohol or pour a small amount of rubbing alcohol into the marker to rewet the ink.

For water-based markers, a similar approach can be used. Dip the nib of the marker in water or add a few drops of water directly into the marker. This helps to rehydrate the ink and bring it back to its original consistency. Additionally, if you have a dry-erase marker that has dried out, try flipping the nib or twirling it on a string. This can force the ink to flow back to the tip and make the marker usable once more.

Remember, prevention is key to maintaining marker longevity. Store your markers with the cap on and the tip facing down to help keep them wet and ready for use. This simple practice can go a long way in ensuring that your markers stay in good condition for a longer period, reducing unnecessary waste and saving you money.

So, next time you come across a dried-out Sharpie, don’t toss it away. Instead, reach for common household supplies like rubbing alcohol and water to revive your markers. With just a little effort, you can extend their lifespan, save costs, and contribute to a more sustainable lifestyle.

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