How to Clean an Electric Pencil Sharpener in 8 Easy Steps

How to Clean an Electric Pencil Sharpener

Electric pencil sharpeners are a convenient way to keep your pencils sharp, but they can also become dirty over time. If you don’t clean your electric pencil sharpener regularly, it can start to malfunction and your pencils won’t be sharpened properly.

This guide will show you how to clean an electric pencil sharpener in just a few simple steps.

Tools Needed

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To clean an electric pencil sharpener, you will need the following tools:

  • A dry cloth
  • A can of compressed air
  • A small brush
  • A toothpick

Steps to Clean an Electric Pencil Sharpener

Here are the steps to clean an electric pencil sharpener:

  1. Unplug the sharpener from the electrical outlet.
  2. Remove the shavings tray and empty it
  3. Disassemble the sharpener by removing the screws holding the bottom plate of the sharpener
  4. Use an old toothbrush to brush free any wood shavings from the sharpening blades
  5. Clean the blades with WD-40 or any household oil to dissolve the waxy pencil residue
  6. Use rubbing alcohol or vodka to remove the WD-40
  7. Reassemble the sharpener by sliding the sharpening chamber back into the outer plastic casing
  8. Plug the sharpener back into the electrical outlet and test it

By following these steps, you can keep your electric pencil sharpener clean and in good working order.

Tips for Keeping Your Electric Pencil Sharpener Clean

Here are a few tips for keeping your electric pencil sharpener clean:

  • Clean the sharpener regularly. This will help to prevent dust and debris from building up and clogging the blades.
  • Use a soft cloth or brush to clean the sharpener’s exterior.
  • Wipe the blades with a damp cloth to remove any dust or debris.
  • Empty the dust collector regularly.
  • If the sharpener becomes clogged, you may need to remove the blades and clean them with a toothbrush and soapy water.

By following these tips, you can help to keep your electric pencil sharpener clean and in good working order

Read: Will Colored Pencils Ruin Electric Pencil Sharpeners?


In this article, you have learned how to clean an electric pencil sharpener. By following these simple steps, you can keep your sharpener in good working order and prevent it from becoming a breeding ground for bacteria.

If you have any questions about sharpening your electric pencil sharpener, please leave a comment below. We would be happy to help you out

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